Sound Waves + Frequencies

The Healing Power of Singing Bowls

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Singing bowl sound meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries in Tibetan and Buddhist cultures as a form of healing and relaxation. The practice involves the use of singing bowls, which produce a soothing sound believed to have a powerful effect on the body’s energy system, helping to balance the chakras and promote healing. Over the years, several studies have been conducted to explore the effects of singing bowl sound meditation on mood, tension, and well-being. The reasons behind the positive effects of singing bowl sound healings are not fully understood. Possible explanations include alterations in brain waves, binaural beats, and the vibrations of singing bowls interacting with the energy field surrounding the human body, known as the biofield. Studies have shown that singing bowl sound meditation can produce physiological and psychological responses, reducing negative affect and increasing positive affect, as well as improving blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Singing bowl sound meditation may be an effective low-cost and low-technology intervention for reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, and depression while promoting spiritual well-being.

Sound Waves + Frequencies

Sound Baths ~ Energy Meditation Sessions

Energy medicine refers to a broad category of alternative healing practices that focus on the manipulation and balance of subtle energy systems within the body to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It operates on the principle that the human body is surrounded by an energy field or biofield and that imbalances or blockages in this energy can lead to illness or disease. 

  • Singing bowls in sound healing meditation offer potential health benefits, including stress reduction and improved spiritual wellness.
  • Possible mechanisms behind these effects include: changes in brain waves or the biofield, and binaural beats.
  • Participants reported that the sound bath improved their well-being, making them feel more balanced, integrated, and energized.

Participants reported a significant increase in their sense of spiritual well-being after the meditation. These results suggest that Tibetan singing bowl meditation may be a low-cost and low-technology intervention that is effective in reducing tension, anxiety, and depression while promoting spiritual well-being. The findings also suggest that the practice may be particularly beneficial to those who have not previously practiced this form of meditation.

Participants also reported reductions in tension, anger, fatigue, depression, and confusion, along with improvements in esteem-related affect. Data analysis showed statistically significant changes in HR, RMSSD, and SI, indicating a reduction in sympathetic nervous system activity and an increase in parasympathetic tone. The initial 15 minutes of the meditation showed some activation of sympathetic activity, followed by a shift towards parasympathetic dominance. The study demonstrated positive changes in both psychological and physiological measures, indicating the potential benefits of HSB meditation for reducing stress and improving mood. The findings suggest that regular practice of such meditation sessions may have a positive impact on relaxation, mood, and overall well-being. 

Although the mechanisms underlying the positive effects of singing bowl sound healing are not entirely clear, several possibilities have been proposed. One possible effect is that the sound has the potential to induce changes in brain wave patterns, such as shifting from beta waves to theta or delta waves, especially when listening to calming music or the soothing tones of singing bowls. Binaural beats, in which the brain synchronizes with the difference in hertz between two tones played in each ear, may also impact brain waves, although the evidence on this is inconclusive, particularly in small pilot studies. Another theory suggests that the vibrations produced by the singing bowls interact with the biofield, the energy field surrounding the human body. This interaction may lead to vibrational attunement of both the body and its biofield, drawing parallels to the practices of Reiki and sound healing. Furthermore, this concept holds potential implications for regenerative medicine, as the alignment of vibrations in the biofield and body may contribute to overall well-being and healing processes.

While there is currently a lack of research investigating the genetic effects of singing bowls, other mindfulness practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong have been found to have epigenetic effects on gene expression. These practices are capable of influencing the expression of multiple genes that share common functions, resulting in improved immunity, reduced cell metabolism, delayed cell death, and decreased inflammation. This implies that singing bowls might induce comparable changes in gene activity, although additional research is necessary to validate these outcomes.


Seetharaman R, Avhad S, Rane J. Exploring the healing power of singing bowls: An overview of key findings and potential benefits. Explore (NY). 2023 Jul 21:S1550-8307(23)00166-0. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2023.07.007. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37532602.